This page holds various computing and computer-related documents. Enjoy!
MacBook Pro 15 & 17″ models between 2011-2012 had a fatal flaw in its AMD graphics chip. For a time Apple would replace the motherboard – but with another defective part that would eventually fail. Here’s a way to hack your operating system and get it working again. Thanks to “PeytonPlaysMc” on YouTube for doing the original legwork.
MacBook Pro 2011 Graphics Hack Instructions
The 1970s/80s vintage Weller WTCPN temperature controlled soldering station is a workhorse and generally worth fixing compared with its (less durable) $250+ replacements or some of the off brand Chinese junk. But on 50 year old products there are lots of things to go wrong. Here’s my write up, after doing secondary research but ultimately dis-assembling **everything** measuring and observing. I hope it helps a few of you.
Weller Failure Modes and Repair Writeup